
Is Video Production in Ukraine Promising? And Why?

Video and film industry in Ukraine is developing rapidly.

Parallel to the development of the video and filming industry of Ukraine, we notice a constant growth in the Ukraine cinema sector. Relatively, in recent years, almost all domestic premieres have attracted more audience and opened new names with potential real stars.  The private sector of filmmaking in Ukraine is hight competitive and when there is competition, progress is inevitable.

One of the main factors why the film and video industry in Ukraine is booming is the fact that the Ukrainian state is eager to support the industry by injecting public funds for the improvement of the sector.

The new law “On State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine” provides a lot of forms of support, and not only making movies or TV shows is their promotion and advancement, supporting the development of cinema networks, especially in small towns, the introduction of rural mobile mobile cinema, educational projects, preservation and restoration of Ukrainian cinematographic heritage and many other things.

The support of the Ukrainian government, via the Ministry of Culture, to cinematography, is striving towards a billion USD threshold.

The steady increase in the budget allocated by the state to fund Ukrainian cinema is directly connected to the development of video and filmmaking industry in Ukraine.

The cinema community is highly rich: These are people with a great professional background who represent the whole range of cinema sector: authors, producers, distributors, film festivals, television, journalists, critics.

Ukrainian films are already being sold to other territories. It is true that cases have been exclusive, yet the process of exporting Ukrainian films has already begun.

Regarding co-production

Co-production has been a very helpful instrument for the improvement of the Ukrainian video and filmmaking industry. When videos and films are produced in cooperation with companies from countries, the know-how is transferred to Ukraine. Especially cooperation with Hollywood and Turkish film industry has proved extremely constructive in this regard. We should also remember that this process opens new markets immediately for Ukrainian video and filmmaking industry. At least those countries with which Ukrainian video and filmmaking industry works, provide a wide horizon for the Ukrainian industry.

The revival of Ukrainian cinema, video production and filmmaking is the merit of everyone who had a positive contribution to the process. We cannot name only one element or only one particular actor that made it possible. Because the revival cannot be realized with the achievement of one part of a successful picture but is due to the entire elements that fall into the boundaries of this frame. Including, and due to the competitive environment. It is the film industry process that can give grounds for the emergence of things that are due to this growth in the form of genre diversity, technology incorporation, filmmaking know-how accumulation, creative experiments, the formation of the face of modern Ukrainian cinema.


In conclusion, “the success of Ukrainian filmmaking and video production industry” is a collective work, and the formation of the film industry is a collective activity of thousands of people who work in it today.